Monday, October 17, 2011

Salvation in better hands

I have battles just to keep my old self dead. At times I've even raised him form the dead just to pick a fight with him.

In my early youth Christ compelled me to death and I have yearned that death of me to be completed. Through much pain and struggle I have fought to make my life His life.

What I have finally come to realize is that the old self could not fully die until I decided to live.

I need not crucify Christ over and over, or even myself, for all of these were attempts at security, and my own means to salvation. Part of Josh Love dying to himself included letting Jesus love him.

I deny my self no more of your riches, no more of your lavish grace, or radiant plans for my life. Now is the end of false humility, now is the end of death.

Now is time for life.


nancylynn said...

yes, it is time for life - may it be so in Jesus name

Anonymous said...

That is perfect! I guess a lot of people can relate to what you are saying. In my case, this same lesson has been really prevalent in my life over the past year and a half. Good for you, Josh.

-Ashley Musick